
The Lint Shop official Relaunch...

         After 2 months of hard work my SHOP is back up and running with all new merch and site upgrades!

(Photography + Styling Angie Rox)

Its finally here! What i have been working on literally everyday for 2 months straight. Im so excited. Seems like forever since i posted anything about my shop or just a simple outfit post at that. Time was of the essence and my shop was just way more important. Ill be posting new outfit post soon. Now that i have a little more time, things should go a little more back to normal. Check out the shop if you like. Its pretty fucking bitchin if you ask me. Thanks to myspace (remember that) for teaching me the basics of web design. haha.  Everything you see here is up for sale right now! Alsoyou would be a rad dude or dudette if you went ahead and liked the facebook page. I wont mind. 


Complacency Kills said...

Cute stuff and congrats on the relaunch!

xo Complacency Kills 
Check out my latest giveaway <3

Chantele Cross-Jones said...

Some awesome looking items there, well done you!

Daisy Dayz